WELCOME TO OUR WORLD [ E C 06-10 ] This is the first class blog of S B C E-


*What is the dashboard?

Originally a board used to stop mud from being dashed inside a vehicle, the word dashboard has evolved to mean a user interface that organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read. Your Blogger Dashboard is your control panel, your main editing interface to Blogger.

Once you have signed in to Blogger you will arrive at the Dashboard page from which you will have editorial access to all your blogs and your profile as well as Blogger News, Recently Updated Blogs, and Blogs of Note.

Note: Whenever you're navigating around Blogger and you are not already on the Dashboard page, you will see a blue button in the top right side corner of the page that says "Back to Dashboard."

*How do I post to my blog?

Once you've logged into Blogger you'll see your Dashboard, showing your list of blogs. Click the blue 'New Post' button to create a new post:
Screenshot: Blog List Next, you'll see the Create New Post page. Start by giving your post a title (optional), then enter the post itself:
Creating a new post When you're done, click the "Preview" link to make sure it's ready to go:
Previewing a post Once you're satisfied with your post, click the "Publish" button. This will publish your new post:

Publish your post

*How do I edit what I've written?

You can edit your posts from the Posting | Edit Posts tab.
Edit Posts page From there, click the "Edit" link next to the post you'd like to edit:
Edit a Post That will take you to the posting form, where you can make any changes you like. When you're done editing, be sure to Publish your post:

Publish your Post

*What is the difference between 'draft' and 'publish'?

Save as Draft vs. Publish Post Click Save as Draft when your post is still in progress, or not yet ready for publishing. Also use it to un-publish an already-published post.
Click Publish Post when you're ready to publish your post to your blog, for others to see.

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